Signs You Should Hire a Professional for Spider Control

Posted on: 12 February 2024

Spiders are eight-legged arachnids that can be creepy, crawly and scary. Although many spiders are harmless, some can pose a serious threat and cause discomfort to you and your loved ones. If you see one spider, there is a good chance that there are several more hiding in your home. While spider sprays and traps may work for a while, hiring a professional for spider control is often the best solution. In this blog post, we shall discuss some signs that you should look out for to tell if it is time to call in professionals for spider control.

Increased Spider Sightings

If you notice an increased number of spiders in your home or business than usual, it is a sign that you need professional spider control. Spiders are known to hide in crevices, corners and any other unnoticeable spaces. If the problem persists or worsens, it is best to call the professionals to help control their population. Professionals can identify the type of spider infesting your home or business and apply the appropriate solution to eliminate their presence.

Presence of Spider Webs

Spider webs are a clear indicator that spiders are nesting in your area. If you can see spider webs in any direction, it is time to bring in professionals. Spider webs can be challenging to remove, especially when left to grow for an extended period. Professional spider control technicians use specialised tools and techniques to clear the webs and stop the spiders from coming back.

Unidentified Spider Bites

Different spiders have different venom, which can range from harmless to life-threatening. Suppose you notice unidentified spider bites on your body or loved ones. In that case, you need to hire professionals to inspect your home and prevent future spider infestations. In addition to removing spiders, professionals can also help you identify the type of spider biting you and apply the appropriate treatment.

DIY Treatments Not Working

Spiders are known to have a high resistance to over-the-counter pesticides and traps. While some DIY treatments may work, they are often not a permanent solution and can be harmful to your family's health. Professional spider control technicians have more powerful treatments that are environmentally friendly and, more importantly, safe for your family and pets. Additionally, professionals have extensive knowledge of spider behaviour and can provide recommendations on how to prevent future spider infestation.

Spider Infestation in Your Business

If you run a business and notice a spider infestation, you risk losing clients and reputation. Spiders can pose a severe health risk and demonstrate your neglect of essential hygienic practices. Hiring professionals for spider control will help prevent re-infestations and ensure your business environment is safe, clean and spider-free.

For more info, contact a local company like Terminix Pest & Weed Control Pty Ltd.
